Ash Dieback – What you need to know.
You may have heard about this tree disease ravaging parts of the country from talking to your neighbours, gardeners or even from the press. But what exactly is Ash dieback? And should we be concerned?
What is Ash Dieback?
Ash Dieback is a fungal disease critically affecting the native Ash tree. The fungus spores that come from the infected tree have various modes of transmission which has resulted in the widespread deterioration of ash trees through the UK and Europe.
Should we be concerned?
Unfortunately ash dieback will potentially kill around 80% of the ash trees across the UK. This is staggering as it will not only change our landscape but also threaten many species which rely on this tree. So it’s important that you are not only concerned but also take action.
We at Atkinson Arb are here to advise and support you as you manage any Ash trees that you own. We can help you identify Ash dieback in your tree if you are worried it is showing signs of deterioration as well as give advice on the best way for you to enjoy your trees without compromising the safety of yourselves, your home and others.
For a free quote please contact us on 07740003685 or 01507313313.
For more information on Ash dieback please find below and article from the Tree Council.